Moviesjoy Review Vengeance 2022 - LooKMovie

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Movie Name: Vengeance 2022

Directors: B.J. Novak

Cast: Isabella Amara, Nathaniel Augustson, Grayson Berry

Genre: Comedy, Mystery, Thriller

Rating: 6.3/10

"Vengeance Lookmovie" Despite its generic title, B.J. Novak's feature directorial debut Vengeance is a clever, subversive fish-out-of-water comedy about a stereotypical coastal elite who is persuaded by an intellectual catfish to visit a far-flung Texas town with a rodeo and a Whataburger, which appears to be the de facto town gathering place.

Novak portrays Ben Manalowitz, a Bumble power user and writer for the New Yorker who lives in Brooklyn and longs to start a podcast but hasn't yet gotten his big break. He meets Eloise, a producer at a podcast network styled like NPR, after exchanging funny one-liners with famous ladies' man John Mayer at a rooftop party about the first-world issue of having too many attractive women on your phone to keep track of.

Ben gets a chance call from Ty Shaw, the brother of Abilene, a Texas small-town girl he used to casually date, in the middle of a one-night fling. Ben gets guilt-tripped into going to Texas for her funeral and possibly to find out who killed her because she recently passed away. He chooses to remain, suggesting the concept for a podcast show to Eloise, who agrees to let him run with it. He may have been inspired and even tempted by the vibrant tiny town and the Shaw family.

He initially used his phone to record the sights and sounds, but now he has sent the necessities, including his Brooklyn coffeemaker and a proper audio recorder. He has set up shop in Abilene's room and has assimilated with her family in an effort to learn the truth. He promises to "identify the person or generalized socialite problem and characterize it," in his own coastal elite style. 

He initially seems to be in a bind. Her body was left at the infamous "after party" location, a plot of land where no one can seem to agree on who has jurisdiction in a hilarious montage of dead ends, including the local PD, sheriff, highway patrol, and border control. In order to trace the origins of her brief musical career, he meets the insightful record producer Quentin Sellers, who has created a mini-oasis in the midst of nowhere.

"Vengeance Moviesjoy" Ben gets seduced by his charisma and his opinion that everyone in this area is "a bright star with no outlet"—this is to explain drug usage and belief in conspiracies—and starts to have a different perspective on the community. Although Vengeance made his acting debut at Tribeca and not at SXSW in the heart of liberal Texas, his allegiance occasionally swings between Ben and the little town where "Bless You Heart" has evolved into a passive-aggressive method of putting someone on the spot. 

The colorful family, which includes budding filmmaker Paris, who wants to be star Paris, and little brother El Stupido—named that because, after all, "he doesn't comprehend Spanish”—isn't necessarily looked down upon in the movie. As a fish out of water in a place where the University is located, Ben and the coastal elites have their comeuppance.

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